On September 17th, 2014 we received a phone call that turned our happy family life upside down. That morning at 7:30, our daughter in law dropped 3 mos. old sweet baby Drew off at his babysitters home. At noon, the call came for us to get to the hospital, it was Drew. I remember walking into the emergency room and my son and daughter in law crying, holding their baby and saying “my baby, my baby.” Drew had entered heaven. We were told it was SIDS, no explanation for the sudden death of Drew. Six weeks later when the autopsy report came back, it stated that Drew had suffocated in a blanket while at the babysitters home. He had been laid in a pac n play with a receiving blanket under him, while he was on his stomach when he shouldn’t have been placed on his stomach, nor a blanket placed in the sleeping area with him. (He was not rolling over yet)
I watched Drew’s parents and his older 8 year old brother, Kaleb grieve. It was heartbreaking. I felt I had double grief. I grieved the death of Drew myself but I grieved watching them grief. As a Mom, I wanted to fix it for them and I couldn’t – Almost 8 years later and I still can’t. I had no answers for them but I had a lot of questions for God.
My daughter had given birth to Erica just 4 mos. before Drew was born. They were supposed to grow up together, go to school and church together, take swim lessons together, come to grandma and grandpa’s together, play sports together, share graduation and weddings together. Erica and all of us were being cheated out of so much. Why would God allow this to happen? We wanted answers but we learned you don’t always get answers.
My daughter had given birth to Erica just 4 mos. before Drew was born. They were supposed to grow up together, go to school and church together, take swim lessons together, come to grandma and grandpa’s together, play sports together, share graduation and weddings together. Erica and all of us were being cheated out of so much. Why would God allow this to happen? We wanted answers but we learned you don’t always get answers.
While in shock, our hearts broken into a million pieces, trying to figure out how to move forward in life, our family also had to cope with forgiving the babysitter, which is a neighbor of my parents (therefore, we see her daily at a distance as well as we live in a small town). Each of us had to decide how to trust God, how could we deepen our faith thru such a tragedy that made no sense to us.
Good things do happen from bad situations. In December of 2014, both Steve (Kaleb and Drew’s dad, my son) and Kaleb were baptized! Five years later, Jace Aiden was born to Steve and Amber, Kaleb had another little brother! He was born September 14th of 2019. Jace and Amber were dismissed from the hospital on Drew’s death date. Their first stop was to the cemetery to introduce Jace to his older brother, he would never meet here on earth. |
Maddi, Ashton and Kaleb were always very close as cousins, which helped Kaleb pull thru some tough times. The 3 older grandkids and I went to the Great Smokey Mountains the next summer and found it helped us to find some Peace there.
Five years later, we were still learning that you never get over a death, but thru faith you get thru it. We had learned that each person grieves differently. We learned there are different cycles of grief you go thru but its not always in the order that they tell you. We learned that those cycles never stop, you learn how to get thru them. We learned In time they get easier but a wave of grief can knock you down at any moment.
On March 5th, 2020 I was a Leader for a Women’s Faith Walk Weekend. I was speaking at the podium, when I received notice that Ashton, our 16 year old grandson had been killed in a car accident.
OH MY HEART! Now I had a son and a daughter who both had a child enter heaven.
How could we do this again? What are you doing God? Why God Why?
Five years later, we were still learning that you never get over a death, but thru faith you get thru it. We had learned that each person grieves differently. We learned there are different cycles of grief you go thru but its not always in the order that they tell you. We learned that those cycles never stop, you learn how to get thru them. We learned In time they get easier but a wave of grief can knock you down at any moment.
On March 5th, 2020 I was a Leader for a Women’s Faith Walk Weekend. I was speaking at the podium, when I received notice that Ashton, our 16 year old grandson had been killed in a car accident.
OH MY HEART! Now I had a son and a daughter who both had a child enter heaven.
How could we do this again? What are you doing God? Why God Why?
The police reports determined that Ashton let one of his best friends drive his car. They were on a country road, speeding at the high rate of 105 mph, lost control on a small hill and hit a tree. The friend walked away with a hurt knee but Ashton was dead upon impact. I do want to add there was no alcohol or drugs involved. Both boys are good Christian boys who were baptized.
Oh how the grief flooded back in quickly. It felt unbearable. Again, not only did I grieve for Ashton, I grieved watching my daughter and Ashton’s siblings (ages 8 and 6 at that time) and cousins grieve all over again. This was still another preventable death. We were expected to forgive again? My daughter loved Ashton’s friend, (the driver) and as hard as it was, she choose to love. Ashton’s father and step father both choose to do the same and encouraged all of us. |
Our whole community was devastated. Everyone loved Ashton because Ashton loved everyone! He was kind, helpful, respectful, funny, smart and so full of life. Ashton loved baseball (his number was 15) and he loved Jesus.
Ashton had brought his sweet girlfriend to my house for the first time on Tuesday night before he entered heaven on Thursday night and we instantly bonded. I also knew several of Ashton’s friends. They were all heartbroken with the shock of his death. And cousins Kaleb (age 14) and Maddi (age 18) were struggling with the deaths of 2 now. There was also another cousin, Dylan (age 14) who had grown very close to Ashton and Kaleb the last few years. |
The community opened the gym on Fri. night for all of Ashton’s friends to gather. Many of their parents, ministers, counselors were there also. They shared stories of Ashton, they filled posters with pictures of Ashton, and they brought gifts and sang Happy 8th Birthday to Carter, Ashton’s younger brother, whose birthday was 2 days after Ashton’s death.
That night, Ashton’s girlfriend, wanted to share with all their friends how Ashton had talked to her about Jesus and they had planned to go to church together that Sun. I stood beside her on the gym stage that night and helped her get her words out thru the many tears. As the Holy Spirit gave me the strength and the words I also asked the group of kids that night, if they would have been in the seat Ashton was in, did they know Jesus and would have gone to heaven that night? A few weeks later I baptized Ashton's girlfriend. In the last 2 years I've been honored to baptize 16 teens and a few of their parents! Others have been baptized by other Ministers, Churches, etc.!!! |
Ashton’s friend, the driver of the car was there, his heart was broken, he felt awful. I asked the kids to gather around him, his parents and his brother. We circled them and we prayed for them. I asked that everyone love their friend thru this tragic time. That was forgiveness. That was relief for him, his family, all of his and Ashton’s friends, the community and our family. Everyone realized we didn’t have to hate him, Jesus would want us to love him and pray him thru it. That’s what we choose to do. I’m not sure we could have done that as a family, if we hadn’t been thru the death of Drew. I know we couldn’t have done that without knowing Jesus. Several kids came forth within the next week and asked me if we could continue to meet and work thru grieving. They had questions about death, about heaven, about hell, about who Jesus was, what is baptism. Therefore, my first ministry was started with many teenagers who now all call me Grandma Jodi. They choose the name Group 15 (Ashton’s baseball #). We currently have met for 2 years now. I’ve been honored to baptize 16 teenagers and a few parents. Others have been baptized by other ministers, at church camp, etc.
The summer of 2020 Through grieving the death of 2 grandsons (Drew age 3 mos. and Ashton age 16) within 5 years, I felt the mountains were calling me. I truly felt God calling me to go to one of my favorite places, Great Smokey Mountains, Gatlinburg, TN. I had taken my grandchildren there the year before, it was the last place I took Ashton on vacation. Ashton said more than once to me: “Grandma, I don't know how anyone could come here and not feel or hear God, while being in His creation here.” I felt a confirmation that we should go when Kaleb and Dylan ( a close cousin to Kaleb and Ashton) asked if we could go to Ashton's favorite place in the mountains.
The summer of 2020 Through grieving the death of 2 grandsons (Drew age 3 mos. and Ashton age 16) within 5 years, I felt the mountains were calling me. I truly felt God calling me to go to one of my favorite places, Great Smokey Mountains, Gatlinburg, TN. I had taken my grandchildren there the year before, it was the last place I took Ashton on vacation. Ashton said more than once to me: “Grandma, I don't know how anyone could come here and not feel or hear God, while being in His creation here.” I felt a confirmation that we should go when Kaleb and Dylan ( a close cousin to Kaleb and Ashton) asked if we could go to Ashton's favorite place in the mountains.
So I packed up and took along 1 friend of mine, 2 grandson's and Ashton's girlfriend and a close friend of hers. All were struggling with grief. We rented a cozy cabin in the mountains, hiked to waterfalls, waded in creeks, shopped, went to a dinner and show, had picnics, went looking for bears, enjoyed nature, and more! Everyday we started out with devotions, coffee/breakfast on the deck, discussions about grief, trusting God during difficult times or whatever was on our hearts. Throughout the activities of the day we could see and feel God working thru us, in our heart, mind and soul. We often found whatever our devotions were, God followed thru with more signs during the day.
We cried, we laughed, we hugged, we encouraged each other and we prayed, we read the Bible for guidance and peace. It was just what we all needed to help us get thru this most difficult time. The week ended by going to Ashton's favorite place (The Chimney Tops Picnic Area) and we all sat on our own rock quietly alone. We each laid all of our burdens on that rock and asked God to use those rushing waters pouring around and over the rocks to carry our burdens away. We left there with PEACE, more than we had felt in a while!
During that week, while I was specifically searching for what God wanted me to do with the death of two grandson's I loved very much, He spoke to me in the mountains - "Do this!" "Do more of what you are doing this week with these kids.
Do it with women especially." So many women are hurting, grieving some type of loss and they are searching and seeking.
Our last night in the cabin, I shared with my friend about the ministry I felt Jesus was telling me to start. She said “Oh that gives me goosebumps. I’d like to be a part of your team if you’d want me to.” Later I shared it with my Massage Therapists. She said “Oh that gives me goosebumps. Would you be interested in me joining you and I’ll give the women a massage while on the trip.” (That word goosebumps is a confirmation from God!) Weeks later I told one of my prayer warrior friends about it and she said “Oh that gives me “godbumps”, I’d like to help you with it.” That was my final confirmation. We met as a praying team and Mountain Top Journey began!
Then Covid hit. Everything was shut down. We continued to pray, to plan, to prepare. We were able to do 3 trips in 2021 and have 2 scheduled for 2022 so far.
Inflation this year has tried to slow down how many trips we can do and how many we can take at a time. I am believing and know without a doubt this is God’s Journey that He wants to go on with us, several women, with more teens in the future, with couples someday and with YOU when you are called to go!
Sometimes God calls us to lead larger groups and sometimes he calls us to lead small groups. It doesn’t matter how large, it matters whose life is changed, who is healed, who is baptized thru it. It matters that the weary get REST, it matters that those who carry it all on their shoulders RELEASE it all to God, it matters that those who have become distant from God thru their grief or difficult circumstances RECONNECT with God and broken relationships, it matters that we are REJUVENATED to move forward in a life that God wants us to live.
That is why I have started the ministry of Mountain Top Journey. It truly is a Mountain Top Experience because its God Perfect every time – its HIS JOURNEY with YOU.
I grief everyday. I.miss.my.grandsons.everyday. I hurt watching my family hurt. When God calls me to the mountains, I feel His peace that passes understanding. It fills me up and gets me thru my tough times, it overflows in me which helps me to help others. Its HIS PEACE that I’m called to share. He doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called – it’s the only way I can do this – Trust Him.
This has been a hard year. Ashton should have graduated this year. Drew should have been playing 8u baseball and both of them should have gone on vacation with their families. I should be taking them to the Smokey Mountains and hike to the waterfalls with them. I know that I will do that in heaven with them someday.
Thank You for taking the time to read my story, my testimony. God wants our tests in life to become testimonies and share to help others.
Please take the time to look thru the rest of the website to see how the Journey’s have changed lives. Please pray for God to continue to bless Mountain Top Journey Ministry and to provide all we need to keep the Journey going!
During that week, while I was specifically searching for what God wanted me to do with the death of two grandson's I loved very much, He spoke to me in the mountains - "Do this!" "Do more of what you are doing this week with these kids.
Do it with women especially." So many women are hurting, grieving some type of loss and they are searching and seeking.
Our last night in the cabin, I shared with my friend about the ministry I felt Jesus was telling me to start. She said “Oh that gives me goosebumps. I’d like to be a part of your team if you’d want me to.” Later I shared it with my Massage Therapists. She said “Oh that gives me goosebumps. Would you be interested in me joining you and I’ll give the women a massage while on the trip.” (That word goosebumps is a confirmation from God!) Weeks later I told one of my prayer warrior friends about it and she said “Oh that gives me “godbumps”, I’d like to help you with it.” That was my final confirmation. We met as a praying team and Mountain Top Journey began!
Then Covid hit. Everything was shut down. We continued to pray, to plan, to prepare. We were able to do 3 trips in 2021 and have 2 scheduled for 2022 so far.
Inflation this year has tried to slow down how many trips we can do and how many we can take at a time. I am believing and know without a doubt this is God’s Journey that He wants to go on with us, several women, with more teens in the future, with couples someday and with YOU when you are called to go!
Sometimes God calls us to lead larger groups and sometimes he calls us to lead small groups. It doesn’t matter how large, it matters whose life is changed, who is healed, who is baptized thru it. It matters that the weary get REST, it matters that those who carry it all on their shoulders RELEASE it all to God, it matters that those who have become distant from God thru their grief or difficult circumstances RECONNECT with God and broken relationships, it matters that we are REJUVENATED to move forward in a life that God wants us to live.
That is why I have started the ministry of Mountain Top Journey. It truly is a Mountain Top Experience because its God Perfect every time – its HIS JOURNEY with YOU.
I grief everyday. I.miss.my.grandsons.everyday. I hurt watching my family hurt. When God calls me to the mountains, I feel His peace that passes understanding. It fills me up and gets me thru my tough times, it overflows in me which helps me to help others. Its HIS PEACE that I’m called to share. He doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called – it’s the only way I can do this – Trust Him.
This has been a hard year. Ashton should have graduated this year. Drew should have been playing 8u baseball and both of them should have gone on vacation with their families. I should be taking them to the Smokey Mountains and hike to the waterfalls with them. I know that I will do that in heaven with them someday.
Thank You for taking the time to read my story, my testimony. God wants our tests in life to become testimonies and share to help others.
Please take the time to look thru the rest of the website to see how the Journey’s have changed lives. Please pray for God to continue to bless Mountain Top Journey Ministry and to provide all we need to keep the Journey going!